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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Are you following up with your leads?

On another social site, geared toward marketers, I spend a lot of time blogging, reading the wall posts and offering to help as much as I can. The wall posts, on that site, roll by so fast it is sometimes difficult to read some of them. Most of the wall posts are advertisements.
I happened to be curious about 2 or 3 of them this evening, and commented to the people posting that I would be interested in learning more about there opportunity, and could they please message me the link to their opportunity.
Of the 3, only 1 responded. Of the remaining 2, someone else, from the same company, messaged me saying that if that person didn't send me the link, they would be interested in helping me out, and gave their link to the opportunity.
I am a little confused. You are on a site, where everyone is pitching, and fishing for prospects, yet when you get a nibble you choose to ignore it. Do you have more than enough people in your downline already? Why are you pitching if you're not looking to recruit more people.
What it all boils down to is this, if you are going to pitch, be ready to catch. When a fish nibbles, set the hook. I remember reading somewhere that for every 100 people we tell about our opportunity, only 1 would sign up. With conversions like that, I can't afford to let one get away.
Take the time to respond to prospects. Even if they are only "kicking tires", you'll never know unless you follow up with them. My son plays hockey, and I always tell him "the greatest opportunities he misses are the ones' that he never takes".
If you have a fear of talking to people, you are in the wrong business. Get out of your comfort zone, learn to talk to people, with confidence, and watch your conversion rate grow.
Health, wealth, and prosperity to all..............

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